BIG DATA 2020– the main event of the year on big data and intelligent analytics
BIG DATA is a unique combination of
expertise knowledge and in-depth analysis from big data industry visionaries
practical experience in terms of the value of projects for business, society and the state
deep immersion into the details of methods and technologies for working with data
9 years
years on the market
Main reasons to participate
Learn how to realize the potential of data, your key asset
Get an idea of the latest developments in the field of big data, advanced analytics, artificial inteligence and be inspired by examples of their practical application
Meet the achievements of the winners and nominees of the first Russian award for Chief Data Officiers – CDO Award 2020
Establish new business contacts
Spend time in useful communication with colleagues and like-minded people
Эдуард Лысенко ДИТ Москвы
Vera Adayeva ASI
Владислав Онищенко Аналитический центр при Правительстве РФ
Alexey Neyman Big Data Association
Konstantin Romanov Vympelcom
Victoriya Erkenova Glavgosexpertiza of Russia
Sergey Morozov Medradiology Moscow
Konstantin Zagumennov Tele2
Yuliya Bogacheva Qiwi
Dmitry Batyushenkov Platforma OFD
Alexander Evsin GUCODD
Mikhail Myagkov Opendata University
Ivan Chernitsyn Gazprom neft
Sergey Zolotarev Arenadata
Alexey Nikiforov Hitachi Vantara
Oleg Giacintov DIS Group
Ivan Vakhmyanin Visiology
Alexey Sidorov Denodo
Evgeny Stepanov Micro Focus
Egor Osipov Croc
Roman Gots Atos
Lidiya Borisenko NSD
Evgeny Vasiliev DIS Group
Nikolay Trgaskal AI Center, MTS
Denis Afanasev LANIT
Pavel Krylov Group-IB
Sergey Odintsov PwC | Manager, Data Management & Data Analytics
Alexey Scherbakov Russian Post
Anna Achobadze Russian Post
Topics BIG DATA 2020
Data analytics – the basis of decisions in public administration
Approaches to building data-driven businesses
Data at the heart of innovation: new products, services, business models and business lines
Data monetization: perspectives and challenges
Big data in the implementation of the National artificial intelligence strategy
Big data security and big data for security
Legal framework for large user and industrial data
Digital ethics
Manpower to work with big data
Data in the service of society: projects in medicine, housing and communal utilities, education, social sphere
Customer Analytics in marketing and sales
Data for digital HR
Data at the heart of procurement and logistics transformation
Big data in manufacturing, IoT data, digital twins
Data in smart city
Business process optimization based on analytics
Industry experience of data-driven transformation:
Capture, storage and integration of data from various sources
Platforms for machine learning and artificial intelligence
Advanced analytics tools
Innovative products and services based on analytics and AI
Cloud data platforms and edge computing
Open source data solutions
Democratization of big data: visualization and self-service tools
Ivan Okopnyi,Head of the business unit "Big Data Solutions", Neoflex
A race against time. Streaming analytics – challenges and tools
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Konstantin Romanov,Director of big data products and technologies, Vympelcom
Big Data without borders: how to make new businesses and transform a traditional business into digital
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Evgeny Stepanov,Head of Big Data Russia Micro Focus
The evolution of organizational models and big data analysis platfroms: from dinosaurs to homo sapiens
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Egor Osipov,head of Big Data division, Croc
I implement big data: the notes of a survivor
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Alexey Sidorov,head of Big Data division, Denodo
Virtual Data Fabric – Modern Big Data Management Architecture
Big Data for Big Machines
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Pavel Malkov,Head of Federal State Statistics Service
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Vera Adayeva,Head of the Center of Digital Development, ASI
Data as an instrument for the economic and social development of the regions
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Alexey Neyman,CEO, Big Data Association
Big prospects for big data
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Maria Polikanova,Sberdata Managing Director, Sberbank
Business development using big data
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Victoriya Erkenova,Head of Digital Transformation Center, Glavgosexpertiza of Russia
Big data – big building: what can be built with them?
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Sergey Morozov,Director, Medradiology Moscow
Seamless integration of computer vision into doctors job: how to make AI analysis of 5000 COVID CT per day with SLA=15min
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Konstantin Zagumennov,senior manager on big data products implementation, Tele2
An industrial approach to geoanalytics: how to digitize the area to increase business effectiveness
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Alexey Neznanov,Associate Professor of Department of data analysis and AI, Faculty of CS, HSE University
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Dmitry Batyushenkov,Director of data products, Platforma OFD
CRF and new data-based business tools
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Daniel Cerejido,Head of Business and Strategy Development, Russia&Belarus, LaLiga
The pathway from Data to Artificial Intelligence in the sports industry
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Mikhail Myagkov,Chairman, Opendata University
University recruiting strategies and digital traces of applicants
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Alexander Evsin,Head of Situation Room, GUCODD
Big data for the monitoring of traffic conditions and transport performance
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Grigory Sergeev,Chairman, LizaAlert
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Ivan Chernitsyn,Head of Analytics Solutions Center, Directorate of regional sales, Gazprom neft
The practice of creating an analytical data management platform
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Sergey Zolotarev,CEO, Arenadata
Hybrid and cloud environments – de facto standard for future data repositories
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Alexey Nikiforov,CTO RCIS, Hitachi Vantara
Industrial IoT platforms and edge computing
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Artur Kuzin, Head of Computer Vision, X5 Retail Group
Video Analytics and Computer Vision for Retail
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Daniil Tkach, Director of Client Relationship Depatment, PSB
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Nikolay Olkhovskiy, Director of Competence Center for video surveillance development, Rostelecom IT
Videoplatform for the digital state
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Oleg Giacintov, CTO, DIS Group
Data management and Big Data. How technologies accelerate business?
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Ingus Homka, DC Corporate Solutions Manager, Tet (ex-Lattelecom)
Money of the future: make big data work for you
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Vladimir Malinovsky, DC Corporate Solutions Manager, Tet (ex-Lattelecom)
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Oleg Danilchenko, Data Analytics & Data Management Leader, PwC Russia
Effective retail promo based on machine learning
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Ruslan Ledovskiy, digital manager, McDonald's Russia
How to read the client's mind using big data?
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Elena Pavlova, Area Chief, Videoanalytics technology center, Gazprom neft
Cross-technology soltions based on videoanalytics
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Roman Gots, Director of Big Data and Security Department, Atos
From Big Data to Business Result
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Ivan Isaev, head of industrial data analytics division, MTS
Data mining to improve the quality of the printed circuit board production process at the Micron factory
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Lidiya Borisenko, Head of R&D and data management, NSD
Not so big data for investment business: Why it's not about technologies
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Nikolay Trgaskal, Development Director, AI Center, MTS
Augmented intelligence. Data on duty of HR
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Evgeny Vasiliev, Head of ВMC Software Division, DIS Group
Big data for effective IT management
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Ivan Vakhmyanin, CEO, Visiology
One BI platform to rein data. End-to-end data enrichment – from big data to manual entry
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Yuliya Bogacheva, Director of data management and analytics, Qiwi
How to dataficate your business
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Denis Afanasev, Director, Competence Center of big data and AI, LANIT
How to share our knowledge and not to lose it?
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Pavel Krylov, Head of Fraud Protection Division, Group-IB
Big data against coronacyberfraud
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Sergey Odintsov, PwC | Manager, Data Management & Data Analytics
Data strategy: new sources of companies growth
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Sergey Shestakov,CEO, Luxms
Dmitry Dorofeev,chief architect, Luxms
Fast management analytics and visualization based on big data
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Anna Achobadze, head of big data processing, storage and analytics department,Russian Post
Alexey Scherbakov, head of data integration, processing and storage division, Russian Post
Analytic platform for data
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Алексей Минин
«Эксполераторы» как ответ на вызовы цифровой экономики
Бурное развитие робототехники и систем искусственного интеллекта, технологий Big Data в сочетании с глобализацией торговли приводит к тому, что все товары и сервисы становятся глобально конкурирующими. Происходит становление глобальных платформ и внедрение парадигмы цифровой экономики. Это означает, что только инновационные товары и услуги смогут приносить доход своим производителям, создавать рабочие места и генерировать доходы для государства. Так как основой инноваций преимущественно являются технологии, то способность их быстро развивать станет ключевым конкурентным преимуществом людей, компаний и государств. Таким образом, именно экспоненциальные технологии будут определять успешность компаний и целых государств, но применить такие технологии можно только к существующим активам. Реализацию потенциала цифровой экономики РФ обспечат не акселераторы (в сложившихся условиях управление портфельными инвестициями – неподъемная по сложности задача), а «эксполераторы», задачей которых будет объединение активов госкорпораций и гибкости стартапов, финансируемых за счет капитализации получаемой интеллектуальной собственности и ее глобальной коммерциализации в дальнейшем. Технологический задел и человеческий капитал, имеющиеся в России, будут этому способствовать.
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Анджей Аршавский
Big Data на производстве
Выступление посвящено практическим подходам к применению технологий Big Data, Advanced Analytics и Machine Learning к решению задач на производстве. Примерами будут решения, разрабатываемые для повышения эффективности сталелитейного производства компании НЛМК. Подходы и инструменты, о которых пойдет речь, могут быть использованы для любых типов производств. Будут также рассмотрены отличительные особенности применения вышеперечисленных технологий на сложных производствах в сравнении с банковским и интернет-секторами.
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Владимир Чернаткин
Большие данные для цифрового производства: практические примеры
Компания СИБУР расскажет об опыте решения задач нефтехимического производства инструментами big data, о использовании больших данных и Интернета вещей в реализации подходов Индустрии 4.0, а также о технических и организационных особенностях использования больших данных на «цифровом» производственном предприятии.