Processes of a Digital Enterprise
  • June 17, 2020
  • Online

Open Systems Publications and ABPMP Russian Chapter would like to invite you to the ВРМ 2020 Online Conference to be able to learn about:
  • All aspects of process management and the role it plays in digital transformation both during "peace time" and crisis periods
  • How to choose an intelligent business process management solution and use it in an efficient way
  • Results of the "BPM Project of the Year" contest
  • Nataliya Dubova
    BPM 2020 program director
    "Having been closely following the BPM market for a long time, last fall Open Systems Publications renewed its industry events focused on the subject. The next ВРМ 2020 conference had been scheduled to take place in May 2020. It should have become special, as for the first time, we together with the ABPMP planned to announce the winners of the annual ВРМ Project of the Year Contest. The new reality makes us adjust rather than cancel our plans: the conference will still be held, although in the new online form. Join the ВРМ 2020 event to learn the highlights of global ВРМ trends and get to know Russia's best ВРМ projects!"
  • Anatoly Belaichuk
    President, ABPMP Russian Chapter
    "The BPM Project of the Year Contest is an invaluable source of information on the ways leading companies use to manage their business processes. This year, the contest's treasure chest added dozens of creative projects from a wide range of industries. The contest's concept in the first place was thought out in a way that did not require personal presence, so the COVID-19 pandemic has not really impacted the event. Join us to learn about best BPM practices and greet the contest winners."
Для связи с организаторами
In agenda
Anatoly Belaichuk
ABPMP Russia
Andrey Koptelov
Vice President
ABPMP Russia
Natalia Romenskaya
independent expert

Alexey Trefilov
Yuliya Batalceva
Brend Director
Alexandr Samarin
independent expert

Anna Kuznetsova
head of BPM/ECM
Igor Prostokvashin
lead business analyst
Reasons to participate
Understand why digital transformation is not possible without smart business process management
Get the latest information on BPM trends in Russia and worldwide
Learn about the best experience in business processes management in companies and government agencies in Russia
Verify the level of your process maturity with BPM leaders
Make useful contacts with members of the BPM community
We are waiting for
  • Top managers and owners of companies and organizations
  • Digital transformation leaders
  • CIO, IT department managers
  • Process office managers
  • Line of business managers
  • BPM project leaders
  • Business system architects and business analysts
ВPM 2019: How it was
Premium partner