C:>dsrevoke /report /root:ou=workstations, dc=rallencorp,dc=com ?RALLENCORPData Admins? ACE #1 Object: OU=Workstations,DC=rallencorp,DC=com Security Principal: RALLENCORPData Admins Permissions: DELETE READ CONTROL WRITE DAC WRITE OWNER CREATE CHILD DELETE CHILD LIST CONTENTS VALIDATED WRITE ACCESS READ PROPERTY WRITE PROPERTY DELETE TREE LIST OBJECT EXTENDED ACCESS ACE Type: ALLOW ACE does not apply to this object ACE inherited by all child objects of class User ACE #2 Object: OU=Workstations,DC=rallencorp,DC=com Security Principal: RALLENCORPData Admins Permissions: CREATE CHILD DELETE CHILD ACE Type: ALLOW ACE inherited by all child objects # of ACEs for RALLENCORPData Admins = 2