Open Systems. DBMS 2020, Volume 28, Number 2



Data Management: Understanding, Adopting, Implementing
The same data can have different degrees of reliability in different sources: is there a way to combine data fragments to assess their reliability as a whole? This can be done using special data management approaches and integration buses.
Ivan Mugalev (, CEO, Atollis (Moscow).

From Siloed Stores — to Data Platforms
Evolving and ever more complex data systems implemented as part of import substitution projects involve addressing new challenges: in fact, we are talking about changing the very approaches to data ownership. The move from siloed stores to data platforms requires specific solutions for data cataloging, management, security, and systems development. Rather than just import substitution “as-is”, data economy era businesses need a qualitative change of their corporate IT landscapes.
Maria Averina (, Head of Strategic Development, Navicon (Moscow).


Is CXL the Way Forward for Server Memory?
The memory problems in present-day servers could be soon resolved via support of CXL (Compute Express Link), a CPU-to-memory connection standard based on cache-coherent protocols. Currently, CXL is supported by server processors from the leading CPU vendors.
Mikhail Kuzminsky (, senior fellow, N. D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry (Moscow).


An Ecosystem for Operational Efficiency
Corporate operational efficiency initiatives involve the use of both present-day systems and legacy monolithic ones that underpin operations, but offer no room for expansion. The hyperautomation approach enables quick discovery of business processes suitable for intelligent automation, as well as prioritizing and deploying automated workflows that make up an ecosystem for operational efficiency improvement.
Mikhail Zyrianov (, Editorial Director, OSP.RU (Moscow).


Composable Enterprises
The Composable Enterprise model enables businesses to achieve complex IT transformation and agility goals while operating in an environment of uncertainty and dynamic change. The model’s implementation, however, requires much effort and thorough planning along with changes in mindset and management approaches.
Alexander Bondarik (, Product Manager, Founder, Platformeco (Moscow).


Extensible platform based on PostgreSQL
The active movement towards technological sovereignty did not leave aside the system software industry, in particular the DBMS, where the Open Source DBMS PostgreSQL was taken as the basis for almost all Russian DBMS. The DBMS Proxima DB was no exception.
Sergei Gontsov (, Proxima DB Product Architect, Orion Soft (Moscow).


Artificial Intelligence: Pro et Contra
Being at the peak of popularity, AI has sparked a heated debate. Some see it as a revolutionary tool for solving a vast range of problems, while others take a skeptical position towards its real-world usefulness.
Dmitry Dorofeyev (, Chief Engineer, Alexander Tyutyunnik (, Business Development Director, Luxms Group (St. Petersburg).


Rostic’s: Towards the Data-Driven Approach
The Rostic’s fast food chain has undertaken a large-scale reorganization of its data platform, moving to the cloud and implementing efficient tools to enable making quick business decisions based on reliable up-to-date data.
Nikolai Smirnov (, freelance writer (Moscow).

From «Data Hell» to Seal of Excellence
Any retail business operation involves both consumption and generation of data whose quality is the determining success factor for the entire business. In 2021, M-Video Eldorado adopted a data management strategy enabling a significant speed-up in quality assurance procedures, which can now be created even by operations staff.
Nikolai Smirnov (, freelance writer (Moscow).

AutoTemp 2.0 for Rolling Mill: Less Downtime, Higher Production Quality
An erroneous steel rolling pace can lead to mill breakdown, so the mill operator usually sets the pace adding a small margin. Being error-prone, this manual procedure requires automation and a reduction in human factor involvement.
Nikolai Smirnov (, freelance writer (Moscow).


Universal Maintenance Console for Soviet-Era Multiprocessor Computer
Long before the IEEE 1149 standard appeared to define a hardware interface for testing inter-component connectivity, similar ideas were implemented in the “Universal Maintenance Console” for Elbrus, a Soviet-era multiprocessor computer.
Leonid Karpov (, Ivannikov Institute for System Programming, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Vladimir Feldman (, Isaak Brouk Electronic Management Machines Institute; Alexander Shirai (, MCST (Moscow).

Creating and Operating a Fail-Safe Management System
A new edition is out of the book by Vadim Podolny “High-Load Systems Architecture. Data Collection Systems. Distributed Management Systems. Real-time Systems”. The book offers a holistic overview of designing high-load distributed management systems, including ones for critical information infrastructure.
Dmitry Volkov (, senior fellow, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics.