Oil & Gas Horizons 2011

Дата проведения: c 14 ноября 2011 15:24 до 15 ноября 2011 15:25
Место проведения: РГУ Нефти и Газа им. И.М. Губкина
Организатор: РГУ Нефти и Газа им. И.М. Губкина

The Third International Student Scientific and Practical Conference “Oil &Gas Horizons” is going to be held at Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, (Moscow, Russian Federation) on 14 and 15 November, 2011. The Conference is organized by Gubkin University SPE Student Chapter.

The Conference will be focused on a wide range of issues concerning petroleum industry and will be divided into the following sections:

1. Geosciences: geology, geophysics, petrophysics.

2. Drilling and Completion: drilling technologies, drilling fluids, tools and well completion.

3. Oil and Gas Field Development: reservoir engineering, production engineering, offshore field development technology, oilfield equipment.

4. Transportation and Storage: transportation and storage of hydrocarbons and petroleum products.

5. Oil and Gas Chemistry and Ecology: oil refining, gas processing, chemical technology in oil and gas industry, ecological aspects of oil and gas industry.

6. Automation, Power Supply and Mechanization: automation, control systems, power supply, electronics, measurements and instrumentation, electrical and mechanical engineering issues in oil and gas industry.

7. Petroleum Economics and Management: economics and management in oil and gas industry, economical politics, political and legal aspects of oil and gas business.

8. Alternative Energy Sources: up-to-date technological solutions in energy industry, use of alternative energy sources, problem of reducing consumption of hydrocarbons.

9. PhD Papers Section: PhD students paper contest on various themes of oil and gas industry.

The official language of the Conference is English.
All abstracts should be designed according to the Thesis Requirements attached to the letter. Selected abstracts will be published.

Winners will be defined in each section (1st, 2nd and 3rd places).
The awarding of additional nominations is at the discretion of judges of each section of the Conference.

Some rules and requirements:
1. Students of Bachelor or Master Programs and PhD students may take part in the Conference (other types of students may be considered).
2. Joint works are allowed but only one of the authors is eligible to take part in the contest.
3. Report must be presented by one speaker and accompanied by computer presentation.
4. Report time limit is 10 minutes with extra 5 minutes for questions.
5. Abstracts must be formed according to the requirements given.
6. The abstracts received will be examined by the Papers Selection Committee consisting of experts from oil and gas companies and professors of Gubkin University.
7. Papers Selection Committee may take into account computer presentations received from applicants in advance.

To submit your paper proposal send abstract, presentation and filled application form to OGHorizons.ApplBox@Gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it before 28th October inclusive.

The selected speakers will have been informed by 1st November.

We believe that Oil and Gas Horizons Conference represents a solid basis for students and industry professionals to share their knowledge and experience. We consider it as a possibility for students to present their views on the current challenges and prospects of domestic and global petroleum industry, issues regarding professional training and internationalization of education as imperative for sustainable development as well as any other issues which they would consider as important.
Infomation Letter OGH 2011.pdf



Russian Visa Application Guide (OGH 2011).doc

Additional in_form OGH 2011.doc

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