Open Systems. DBMS 2020, Volume 28, Number 2




DBMS: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Michael Stonebraker and Andrew Pavlo, the two established database gurus, have published a paper stating that the future of the industry is still SQL and the relational model. The authors’ opinions could be debated, but being the two topmost experts in the DBMS community, their publications are usually perceived as manifests.
Dmitry Volkov (, senior fellow, M. V. Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics.

Real-Time DBMS
With ever-growing data amounts all over the world, organizations increasingly have trouble managing their data flows without special-purpose high-performance tools. Efficient real-time data analysis is no more just a preference, but rather a critical need in some instances. The Picodata DBMS is one of those tools for real-time data processing.
Vasily Dyomin (, product marketing manager, Arenadata; Dmitry Rodionov (, lead developer, Picodata (Moscow)


Enterprise Software Development: Finding Balance
Over the course of the IT industry evolution, business application development teams have been constantly growing, while the feature sets of their software have not. What are the tangible results of the technology progress then? The time is ripe now for the industry to bring the complexity of business software development into sync with the expected value while keeping development costs at bay.
Viktor Fadeyev (, head of rapid business applications development platform, Jmix (Samara)


Trusted AI: From Concept to Implementation

Having expanded beyond professional circles, the issue of mistrust towards AI is now starting to concern the general public, with respective manifests being created and software platforms coming out of labs that implement those manifests. What is trusted AI, and how could the concept be implemented in an area as sensitive as healthcare?
Alexander Prozorov (, founder, RTLAB (Moscow)

AI in Business and Manufacturing: Success Factors
Artificial intelligence now has had its debut in the business sector, but its implementation success depends upon the synergy of numerous factors. In the article, participants of the Intelligence Enterprise 2024 forum discuss key success factors and risks.
Mikhail Zyrianov (, Editorial Director, OSP.RU (Moscow).


Keeping Moscow Surroundings Safe

The analytics layer created in support for the 112 emergency phone number helps improve the efficiency of emergency services, track incidents and visualize areas with high incident numbers. This enables dispatchers to make decisions quickly based on real-time data. The new system is now operational in a number of regions, including in areas around Moscow.
Alexey Nikitin (, CEO, Visiology (Moscow).

Business Analytics

Surpassing Without Having to Catch Up
Achieving a technology advantage over leading Western business intelligence vendors is possible by way of developing new data technologies, such as Rapeed. There is no need to catch up with and clone Western products. Rather, they should be surpassed by finding new dimensions in the multi-dimensional opportunity space.
Roman Rayevsky (, business intelligence technologies expert (Moscow).

OS Living Room

Data Infrastructure Transformation at Burger King

The success of any digital transformation project depends upon changing the data use culture. The lack of the latter lowers the employees’ motivation for offering new ideas and improving business processes. For the Burger King fast food chain, the data infrastructure transformation has become a strategic project helping turn the company into a data-driven enterprise.
Nikolai Smirnov (, freelance writer (Moscow).


Growing the Human Capital

Progress is defined not by technologies, but rather by people who implement and use them. Disconcertingly, few companies around the world pay due attention to human capital despite the fact that the respective practices support creating new innovative ideas to a great extent.
Maksim Yatskevitch (, Product Psychology founder, Skolkovo mentor (Moscow).

Sergey Kuznetsov: Programmer, Scientist, Educator, Painter
In 2024, Sergei Kuznetsov, a renowned expert in systems programming, would have turned 75. He was also a co-creator of Russia’s first real-time computing clusters and a leading expert in database management systems.
Igor Burdonov (, leading research fellow, V.P. Ivannikov Institute for Systems Programming (Moscow).